Custom Form Creator

Use this tool to quickly and easily create a variety of forms on your website to collect information from your customers.

Manage data collection on your website

Forms can have many functions on your website including signups, purchases and enquiries. The Bloomtools Custom Form Creator allows you to easily make these forms yourself and upload them to your website instantly. The forms have many display options and have features to prevent spam. Use this tool to collect important information from your site and to engage your customers.

  • Make it fast and easy for your customers to contact you through your website with a sales or quote form.
  • Create forms yourself instead of outsourcing it to another company.
  • Cut administration time by creating forms in minutes and get them on your site with the click of a button.
  • Link your custom form directly to your Shopping Cart to increase sales.

Our easy to use drag-drop form creator tool allows you to create forms tailored specifically to your business and customer's needs. Our forms allow you the flexibility to collect a variety of information and requests by making it easy for you to:

  • Select the type of fields right for your business
  • Select what fields are absolutely necessary
  • Collect phone numbers, emails, names, and addresses
  • Offer options through radio buttons & checkboxes
  • Include your terms of service
  • Create multi-page data collection web forms

Curious to see how our Custom Web Form Creator works?

Contact Bloomtools to Learn More

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