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How to Get Your Newsletters Opened More Frequently

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 24 November 2020
How to Get Your Newsletters Opened More Frequently

There are billions of emails sent globally each day, it's easy to think that your email marketing is just a small fish in a massive pond. Maybe you're thinking because of the sheer magnitude of emails sent daily, that your efforts will be wasted.

However, email marketing maintains a strong presence in the digital marketing world and generates on average $38 for every $1 spent.

But with the inboxes of your customers seeing an influx of emails every day, how can you create campaigns that they will open?

How can you create emails that will convert potential customers into loyal customers?


1. Don't send too little or too many emails

Finding the sweet spot of the quantity of emails you should be sending out can take a while to get the hang of.

Statistics tell us that there is a point where you can send too many emails and also too little emails, and that the frequency affects whether or not your emails get opened.

These stats showed that businesses who sent over 30 email campaigns per month saw much lower open and click rates as well as those who sent 1-2 email campaigns per month. If you are sending too many emails this could be considered as spamming and you are likely going to annoy your client base and will see an increase in unsubscribes.

Optimal results of effective emails were seen between the 16-30 mark for both clicks and open rate.


2. Keep your email content short and sweet

With the fast paced digital world of today, time is increasingly limited and valuable. Attention spans are also shorter than ever. This means getting to the point with your content should be a leading priority.

Getting your message across immediately increases the likelihood that you'll strengthen the relationship with the customer and potentially influence conversions.

Subject lines are the most important place to start - those with between 6-10 words had a 21% open rate compared to 0-5 words (16%), 11-15 (14%) and 21-25 words (9%).

As the use of desktop devices decreases and mobile usage increases, mobile optimization should also be kept in mind. Mobile accounts for 46% of all email opens so keep mobile in mind when crafting your campaigns as well - short subject lines sit nicely on mobile screens and often create a sense of intrigue more than longer form subject lines. Also always send yourself a test email before sending the campaign out. View the test email on desktop and on mobile to ensure all the elements are displaying correctly and can be read easily.


3. Know the purpose of the campaign

Sending an email for the sake of sending an email is not a good idea; consider keeping quality over quantity in mind when planning out your strategy. Email campaigns help provide value to your audience and customer base - if you're sending out lots of emails with no real purpose, you're going to be wasting your time and your audiences and will add to the increase of people unsubscribing.

If you have a great new piece of content or exciting updates, send away. Think quality over quantity and consider point 1 when it comes to finding the right balance for your campaign.


4. Don't think solely on promotions, think value

No one likes being sold to constantly, people want to make the decision to buy. While the ultimate goal of marketing is always to grow your business in one way or another, promotions aren't the core aspect of email campaigns.

Marketing is also about building relationships with customers, nurturing the connection through knowledge, information and value. Think about when you receive an email from a company you are subscribed to. Do the emails showcase their benefits? Now think about when your audience receives an email from you, what benefits will they see? And by benefits, we mean something other than a promo code (although they're nice, too).

People enjoy emails that read like they were sent for them by real people and that show an effort towards customer care, not just the constant pushing of sales.


5. Always test

Testing important elements of your email campaigns will help you improve your strategy over time. It'd be great if you could know what will and won't work straight away, but unfortunately that's not the case - testing your emails will help you figure out what your audience responds to best which in the long run will help you save time and effort.


6. Segment your audience into groups

In order to create a more personalized, targeted experience for your audience, segmenting your email database is a must. This way you can ensure you're adding value to the right people and seeing the return on that investment.

Data has proven that marketers who take the time to segment their campaigns saw a reported increase of up to 760% in revenue, so it's worth making the effort.


Key Takeaways:

  • Email marketing is a valuable tool for your business for customer acquisition and retention.
  • Finding the right balance of how many emails to send is important - think quality over quantity.
  • Keep the email content short and sweet - make sure the message gets across.
  • Send your campaigns with purpose.
  • Consider value the highest priority - pushing promotions will only get you so far in building relationships with your customers.
  • Testing your emails will help you figure out what is and isn't working for your audience, saving you time and effort in the long run.


Overall, email marketing is a must-do for any business that wants to be competitive in the digital marketing space. With these tips in mind, you can approach your campaigns with more in-tune practices that will ultimately see you saving time, strengthening relationships with customers and improving profits.

Want to know more about boosting your email campaigns? Feel free to reach out to one of your email marketing specialists on 1-844-448-6657 for more information, or book a consultation today.


Author:Bloomtools Canada
Tags:Email Markerting

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