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Why Video Content is So Important on Socials

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 15 October 2021
Why Video Content is So Important on Socials

While video may seem like the most difficult content creation type, it is actually the most important to include on your company’s social media platforms. Whether your business uses Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn primarily, video content is proven to get the most attention, most views, and most of all, the most click throughs to your website or other calls to action. In fact, social video generates 1200% more shares than text and image content combined. Here are a few reasons why video content is so key to your company’s social success, and a few video content ideas which will show you that creating video for social media may be easier than you think!

The Rise of Video Content and Increasing Engagement Across Socials

Video has grown in popularity across all social media channels over the past few years, and the pandemic has made that number skyrocket. As people looked for the human connections they were missing, video content made it seem like they were almost having a conversation with the creator, or were involved with what they were showing or doing. Video consumption has actually increased by 52% in the last 2 years, and consumers now spend on average 16 hours per week watching online videos! 

Video can also stick around for longer than your average post. Due to the increase in engagement, a video can last longer due to shares, and even other content creators recreating videos (as we’ve seen with popular TikTok videos for example).

Creating a Video Content Strategy for your Social Media Platforms

Video can seem a little daunting at first for companies looking to break into this content space. Most people think that videos need to be of the highest production value, including highly designed animations and more. But that’s not the case! You can start video content with a just a phone and yourself. Introducing your audience to members of your company is actually one of the most engaging social strategies out there. People like to understand who they’re buying from, and create and emotional connection with brands.

You can even go “live” on multiple social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, and talk about a specific topic, or answer live questions from viewers. Just make sure you read up on the do’s and don’ts of going live first! 

Another video content idea if you’re a company that does physical projects is to bring your followers along to see your latest project. This is great for service companies like roofing, or home design for example, and also for event companies or companies that sell products that can be shown in use. Bring your audience to work with you and show them first hand the power of your brand, as well as perhaps interviews with your latest satisfied customers.

Bloomtools can help create, manage, and optimize your social media strategy including your video content strategy.

Learn more and talk to us about how we can help your business with its social strategy today.

Author:Bloomtools Canada
Tags:Social MediaVideo Advertising

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