How to Use Pinterest as a Tool to Sell Your Products
Many companies use the basic social media platforms as part of their social media strategy (think Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+) but there's an unexpected social media platform companies have begun using to win business: Pinterest.
That's right! Pinterest isn't just for wedding planning and DIY tutorials anymore. Companies are using the free online pinboard to build traffic to their websites and drive sales. Below are some tips on how you can use a Pinterest business page for your own business.
So What Can You Do to Create an Effective Pinterest Business Page?
Pictures are deal makers and deal breakers
Pinterest is all about using eye-catching images to get users to click on and re-pin your pins. Don't be vague and post a simple picture. Make it attractive and interesting! The old saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words. Make them count! Use high quality, interesting pictures that display your products or services. If your picture isn't clear about what your product is, add text to it! You want to make it eye-catching and memorable.
Create engaging and organized boards
People are most likely going to repin your pins if they are interesting, relevant, and perhaps most importantly, organized. Users don't want to endlessly search for things that interest them; they want it to be easy to find what they're looking for (think of how disastrous Google would be if every time you searched for flowers, you'd have to go through 3 pages of trees first).
Clearly titled boards with a detailed description will not only help Pinterest users find what they're looking for, but they also help to spike interest in your Pinterest business page.
Appeal to what your target wants
As of 2015, approximately 81% of Pinterest users are female and 19% male. Tweak your pins so that they engage women, to get shared quicker. This is not to say you can't tailor your pins for men, but know your audience, and whom you want to appeal to. Women definitely outnumber men on Pinterest, and so if you want your Pinterest business page to be effective, you should be creating boards with women in mind.
According to Pinterest, 93% of Pinners shopped online in the past 6 months, 93% of Pinners use Pinterest to plan purchases, and 96% use Pinterest to gather product information. Pinterest users are heavily into online shopping, so ensure your products are tagged/pinned on Pinterest, and each pins has current, relevant information, and links back to your website.
Check out more interesting Pinterest statistics on this infographic!
Pinterest's most pinned categories are Food & Drink, DIY & Crafts, Home Décor, and Holidays & Events. Pins in these categories get re-pinned more often, so use that to your business's advantage. If it makes sense, make your service or product relate to these categories. i.e. If you have a retail product you think would make a great gift, it can be pinned to Holidays & Events with the right caption! Your pins will be more likely travel further on Pinterest because they're in categories where more people pin.
Pinterest users trust brands more than reputable people
Statistics show that 83% of active Pinterest users prefer to follow a brand than a notable celebrity, 73% of active users prefer to follow a beauty brand than a notable makeup artist, and 70% of active users prefer to follow a hair care brand rather than a notable hair stylist.
Use these stats to your advantage as there are a high percentage of people who would prefer to hear from brand than a person on this social media platform! Get your brand out there!
Ensure all pins have working links
There's not much more disappointing than finding an amazing product you need in your life, only to discover there's no link to give you details about it. Make sure all your pins have links that work properly, to ensure no one will get that dreaded "404 link not found" page. On a similar note, don't forget to add a call to action on every pin that relates to the product or service, and encourages pinners to come to your website to buy or learn about the product.
Stay involved and engaged in your Pinterest business account
Invest time into your Pinterest business account. Don't just pin your products and services, but re-pin other relevant pins and "like" and re-pin pins from users who follow your Pinterest business page.
This will help to make your followers (and potential customers) feel connected to your business. Consider creating a guest pinner board where anyone can add pins or repin to your account. If you do this, make sure to keep it monitored, or set it up so you have to invite user to avoid any issues.
Dedicating some time, energy, and of course, creativity to your Pinterest business page can create a steady stream of traffic to your website! Find out more about this and other ways to market your business by setting up an appointment with your Bloomtools consultant.
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