Posted in Mobile Marketing

Pros and Cons of Using TikTok To Market Your Small Business

Posted by Magali Rousseau
February 2022
Pros and Cons of Using TikTok To Market Your Small Business
Everybody’s talking about it, yet to many it remains shrouded in mystery. TikTok took off during the pandemic and hasn’t stopped growing since, and like most social media, it can be a valuable addition to a marketing arsenal: but is it really worth it for a small business? Here are so...
Posted in:Social MediaContent MarketingBrandingMobile Marketing   Comments__

Why You Should Start Optimizing For Voice Search ASAP

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
April 2021
Why You Should Start Optimizing For Voice Search ASAP
Did you know that the number of households predicted to own a smart speaker by 2022 is 55%? You're probably counting the number of people you know who already have a Google Home or an Alexa right now. As these devices become more popular, so does the regularity of voice searches. But what i...
Posted in:NewsSearch Engine OptimizationWebsiteMobile Marketing   Comments__

Don't Unsubscribe From Illicit Spam Emails and Texts

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
February 2021
Don't Unsubscribe From Illicit Spam Emails and Texts
Some of us can be a little too diligent when dealing with email or text spam because whatever you do, you shouldn't click "unsubscribe" links or text "stop" in reply, as they literally mean "subscribe" and "please, go on" to illicit spammers. Intera...
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Why Google My Business is Essential to Small Business

Posted by Boaz Willinger
July 2018
Why Google My Business is Essential to Small Business
While internet users see nothing more than links and text on Google's search engine results pages (SERPs), marketers and small business owners see a digital battlefield. The clash for land (SERP space) between listings, websites, ads, maps, and text makes it difficult for small businesses ...
Posted in:Search Engine OptimizationBusiness DevelopmentBrandingMobile Marketing   Comments__

What Email Marketers Can Learn from Pokemon Go

Posted by Boaz Willinger
August 2016
What Email Marketers Can Learn from Pokemon Go
By now, you should be well aware of the Pokémon Go phenomenon. From homeowners suing the game developers for placing Pokéstops on their property, to what looks like half of New York City clamoring to catch an elusive Vaporeon, Pokémon Go is influencing user's beha...
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Maximize Productivity: The Advantages of AI Transcription for Modern Businesses

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 17 April 2024
Maximize Productivity: The Advantages of AI Transcription for Modern Businesses
In today's fast-paced work climate, AI recording and transcription services are critical tools for increasing efficiency. These modern technologies ...
Posted in:NewsSearch Engine Optimization   Comments

Why Invest Energy in Onboarding New Clients?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 7 March 2024
Why Invest Energy in Onboarding New Clients?
The significance of a pleasant onboarding experience for client retention and loyalty is emphasized by the following statistics: 76% of consumers w...
Posted in:NewsLead GenerationBusiness DevelopmentOnline Marketing   Comments

Do You Want to Attract More Clients? Explore These Options

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 16 November 2023
Do You Want to Attract More Clients? Explore These Options
These days, small enterprises must have an internet presence. Since so many of your customers begin their shopping journeys online, you are losing ...
Posted in:Social MediaContent MarketingNewsPay Per ClickBusiness Development   Comments
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