Posted in Web Development

Understanding Secondary CTAs: Everything You Need to Know

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
April 2023
Understanding Secondary CTAs: Everything You Need to Know
How do Secondary CTAs work?A secondary CTA is a call-to-action that provides an alternative conversion opportunity or action to the primary action you ideally want visitors, prospects, or leads to take. This CTA is generally featured less prominently than your primary CTA, and it can be an excell...
Posted in:WebsiteWeb Development   Comments__

How Captivating Pictures Can Keep People on Your Website

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
March 2023
How Captivating Pictures Can Keep People on Your Website
As a website expert, I know firsthand how important it is to make a website that looks good. High-quality images can make all the difference in getting a visitor's attention and keeping them interested on your site. In this blog post, I'll talk about the top five reasons why good images c...
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What is Content Writing?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
December 2022
What is Content Writing?
In the digital age, having a website and a couple of marketing campaigns are not enough to disrupt the competing messages that our target customers experience online. As a result, content writing has evolved. Content writing is defined as any marketing strategy used to attract and retain your tar...
Posted in:Website PerformanceSearch Engine OptimizationWebsiteWeb Development   Comments__

How many web pages should your website have?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
October 2022
How many web pages should your website have?
The standard website for the majority of small to medium-sized businesses is 8 pages. There is a belief that the number of web pages that a website has can result in an increase in rankings. Rankings can be increased by increasing the web pages on your website, however, when it comes to truly ran...
Posted in:NewsWebsite PerformanceWeb Development   Comments__

What is SEO?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
August 2022
What is SEO?
Whenever this term is mentioned, others speak highly of its value and return on investment. What exactly is Search engine optimization? In this post, the Bloomtools team breaks down the allusive term so you can not only understand but also invest and benefit from its value.  Search engine o...
Posted in:NewsWebsite PerformanceSearch Engine MarketingSearch Engine OptimizationWeb Development   Comments__
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Maximize Productivity: The Advantages of AI Transcription for Modern Businesses

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 17 April 2024
Maximize Productivity: The Advantages of AI Transcription for Modern Businesses
In today's fast-paced work climate, AI recording and transcription services are critical tools for increasing efficiency. These modern technologies ...
Posted in:NewsSearch Engine Optimization   Comments

Why Invest Energy in Onboarding New Clients?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 7 March 2024
Why Invest Energy in Onboarding New Clients?
The significance of a pleasant onboarding experience for client retention and loyalty is emphasized by the following statistics: 76% of consumers w...
Posted in:NewsLead GenerationBusiness DevelopmentOnline Marketing   Comments

Do You Want to Attract More Clients? Explore These Options

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 16 November 2023
Do You Want to Attract More Clients? Explore These Options
These days, small enterprises must have an internet presence. Since so many of your customers begin their shopping journeys online, you are losing ...
Posted in:Social MediaContent MarketingNewsPay Per ClickBusiness Development   Comments
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