Posted in Online Marketing

Is Your Website Black Friday Ready?

Posted by Boaz Willinger
November 2019
Is Your Website Black Friday Ready?
Even ecommerce businesses aren't safe from the onslaught Black Friday brings every November. During your Black Friday online sale (you're having a sale, aren't you?), you can expect a wave of shoppers clambering through your digital shelves for deals they've waited all year for....
Posted in:WebsiteOnline Marketing   Comments__

Is Your Website SSL-Secured?

Posted by Boaz Willinger
March 2019
Is Your Website SSL-Secured?
Congratulations on your new website! It looks beautiful, reads well, and conveys everything you need it to. So are you finished? The answer is: It depends. Is your site SSL-Secured? If you're SSL-Secured (you have an SSL certificate) your website and any private information you'...
Posted in:NewsWebsite PerformanceSearch Engine OptimizationWebsiteOnline Marketing   Comments__

Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2019

Posted by Boaz Willinger
January 2019
Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2019
A new year means new marketing trends to take advantage of in order to grow your business like never before. Learn about important marketing trends like the growth of voice search and AI marketing from the top web builders for small businesses.
The Expansion of Voice Search Marketin...
Posted in:Content MarketingWebsite PerformanceOnline Marketing   Comments__

How to Rank on Google: Understanding the SERP

Posted by Boaz Willinger
October 2018
How to Rank on Google: Understanding the SERP
Congratulations, you've launched your new website! Now what? The website development process is well documented and is so tightly organized that it's hard to get lost. The road to success is clearly laid out before you even begin and, depending on the package you've purchased f...
Posted in:Content MarketingWebsite PerformanceSearch Engine OptimizationOnline Marketing   Comments__

How to Build an Ecommerce Funnel

Posted by Boaz Willinger
September 2018
How to Build an Ecommerce Funnel
An ecommerce website lives or dies by its traffic and conversions. While strong SEO and PPC campaigns can garner strong impressions, if your visitors aren't converting, then you need to re-evaluate your ecommerce sales funnel. By optimizing each of the sales funnel stages, you will gai...
Posted in:Business DevelopmentCustomer EngagementOnline Marketing   Comments__

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How Captivating Pictures Can Keep People on Your Website

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 31 March 2023
How Captivating Pictures Can Keep People on Your Website
As a website expert, I know firsthand how important it is to make a website that looks good. High-quality images can make all the difference in get...
Posted in:NewsWeb Development   Comments

Content Inspiration To Drive Customer Engagement

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 27 February 2023
Content Inspiration To Drive Customer Engagement
In December you decked the halls, in January you rang in the new year, now comes February which is associated with Valentine's day and the mont...
Posted in:Content MarketingNews   Comments

What is Content Writing?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 23 December 2022
What is Content Writing?
In the digital age, having a website and a couple of marketing campaigns are not enough to disrupt the competing messages that our target customers...
Posted in:Website PerformanceSearch Engine OptimizationWebsiteWeb Development   Comments
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