Posted in Online Marketing

Nine Social Marketing Tips You Need to Read Now

Posted by Boaz Willinger
October 2016
Nine Social Marketing Tips You Need to Read Now
If you don't a have a social media marketing strategy for your business, you're already behind the times.
A whopping 2.3 billion people worldwide, or 19.4 million Canadians use at least one social media site. That means whether your business is targeting Justin Bieber-loving tweens, m...
Posted in:Social MediaOnline Marketing   Comments__

6 SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid at All Costs

Posted by Boaz Willinger
September 2016
6 SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid at All Costs
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of populating your website or online presence with relevant search terms to improve your ranking on Google, Bing, Yahoo and other popular search engines. Doing so has a strong correlation to increasing the online traffic (or number of people w...
Posted in:Content MarketingBloggingCustomer EngagementOnline Marketing   Comments__

The Hidden Conversions You Should Be Tracking

Posted by Boaz Willinger
June 2016
The Hidden Conversions You Should Be Tracking
More often than not, businesses get stuck on direct conversions from their marketing strategy and lose sight of the big picture. When working with a digital marketing agency, a strategy is created that looks at your business and marketing holistically, not just from a direct conversion point of v...
Posted in:Social MediaContent MarketingWebsite PerformanceCustomer EngagementBrandingOnline Marketing   Comments__

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Posted by Boaz Willinger
May 2016
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website
One of the most difficult hurdles for a small business or startup is building brand recognition. In order for your business to succeed, consumers need to know who you are, what you do and what makes you different from other businesses in your industry. The best way to do that is through your webs...
Posted in:Social MediaWebsite PerformanceBusiness DevelopmentWebsiteWeb DevelopmentOnline Marketing   Comments__

4 Reasons Your Website Needs Mobile Optimization

Posted by Boaz Willinger
April 2016
4 Reasons Your Website Needs Mobile Optimization
The online world is going mobile. With a colossal shift towards handheld and portable devices, mobile traffic has already begun to overtake desktop traffic. (As of 2014, mobile traffic officially outpaced desktop traffic). Google's algorithm update in April 2015 - an event webmasters and...
Posted in:Social MediaBloggingCustomer EngagementWebsiteWeb DevelopmentMobile MarketingOnline Marketing   Comments__

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What is SEO?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 23 August 2022
What is SEO?
Whenever this term is mentioned, others speak highly of its value and return on investment. What exactly is Search engine optimization? In this pos...
Posted in:NewsWebsite PerformanceSearch Engine MarketingSearch Engine OptimizationWeb Development   Comments

The Importance of SEO for being found on Google

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 21 July 2022
The Importance of SEO for being found on Google
You hear a new acronym, quickly Google to find out what it means, only to be left without a full understanding. Luckily, the next time you hear the...
Posted in:NewsWebsite PerformanceSearch Engine MarketingSearch Engine Optimization   Comments

What do broken website links mean?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 17 June 2022
What do broken website links mean?
Imagine performing a search on a website only to be led to an error 404 page. Broken website links can lower your website rankings, harm your websi...
Posted in:Behind the ScenesNewsWebsite Performance   Comments
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