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What do broken website links mean?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
June 2022
What do broken website links mean?
Imagine performing a search on a website only to be led to an error 404 page. Broken website links can lower your website rankings, harm your website's relationship with Google and lower your website visitors' user experience.  How bad are broken links?  Also known as “l...
Posted in:Behind the ScenesNewsWebsite Performance   Comments__

Manage Web Content Like A Pro With A Bloomtools Content Management System

March 2022
Manage Web Content Like A Pro With A Bloomtools Content Management System
ROI, CRM, SEO, TOK…acronyms seem to help the world go round, but they don’t always make life simpler. One that definitely does, however, is CMS–content management system. If these three words fill you with questions (or dread), you can stop wondering: today, we’re talking...
Posted in:Content MarketingNewsWebsite PerformanceBusiness DevelopmentWebsite   Comments__

Four Easy-To-Spot Signs of Bad Web Design

Posted by Magali Rousseau
December 2021
Four Easy-To-Spot Signs of Bad Web Design
If you’ve designed and built your site yourself (congrats!), it’s been a long process. Chances are your eyes and brain are tired of looking at the same few screens over and over again. However, don’t let hallmarks of bad web design slip through the cracks because of fatigue or ...
Posted in:NewsBusiness DevelopmentBranding   Comments__

Why a Detailed SEO Performance Review Is Important For Your Business

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
June 2021
Why a Detailed SEO Performance Review Is Important For Your Business
Your website is the most important marketing tools for your business and whether your website is the lifeblood of your business or it's just one of many ways you generate revenue, chances are you've likely invested a good deal of resources on the site. To that end, it can obviously be f...
Posted in:NewsWebsite PerformanceSearch Engine MarketingSearch Engine Optimization   Comments__

The Unexpected Return of QR Codes

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
June 2021
The Unexpected Return of QR Codes
First used in 1994 by a Japanese automotive company, QR codes have since been leveraged for a variety of purposes. QR (short for Quick Response) codes became popular in the 90s and early 2000s, as marketers everywhere started slapping them on everything from products to magazines to bus stop ad...
Posted in:Behind the ScenesNews   Comments__

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How Captivating Pictures Can Keep People on Your Website

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 31 March 2023
How Captivating Pictures Can Keep People on Your Website
As a website expert, I know firsthand how important it is to make a website that looks good. High-quality images can make all the difference in get...
Posted in:NewsWeb Development   Comments

Content Inspiration To Drive Customer Engagement

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 27 February 2023
Content Inspiration To Drive Customer Engagement
In December you decked the halls, in January you rang in the new year, now comes February which is associated with Valentine's day and the mont...
Posted in:Content MarketingNews   Comments

What is Content Writing?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 23 December 2022
What is Content Writing?
In the digital age, having a website and a couple of marketing campaigns are not enough to disrupt the competing messages that our target customers...
Posted in:Website PerformanceSearch Engine OptimizationWebsiteWeb Development   Comments
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