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Creative Ways Businesses Are Adjusting During the COVID-19 Times

April 2020
Creative Ways Businesses Are Adjusting During the COVID-19 Times
It goes without saying that times are different. They're also incredibly uncertain - especially for businesses. Maybe the thought has crossed your mind, "to market or not market?" while this uncertainty lingers. Let's look at history - during the GFC, there were so many busi...
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How to put a COVID-19 notification on your website

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
April 2020
How to put a COVID-19 notification on your website
Whether your team is working remotely, you have a physical location still open for business, you're currently meeting or visiting clients, or if you've sadly had to close for a while, it's important to let people know how, if and when you are operating during this uncertain time. ...
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Coronavirus: How to prepare your business and staff to work from home

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
April 2020
Coronavirus: How to prepare your business and staff to work from home
The recent announcements by the World Health Organization designating the COVID-19 Virus (Coronavirus) a global pandemic and calling for specific measures to combat the spread of the virus have had an impact on all of us and our work. Over the weeks and months to come there is no doubt Corona...
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Canadian Internet Usage in 2019

Posted by Boaz Willinger
July 2019
Canadian Internet Usage in 2019
If you haven't noticed a heavy swing towards online everything, you're part of an ever-shrinking minority. The internet has brought freedom, accessibility, and time-saving tools right to our finger tips so it's little wonder that the uptake has been extraordinary. The Canadian Inte...
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Is Your Website SSL-Secured?

Posted by Boaz Willinger
March 2019
Is Your Website SSL-Secured?
Congratulations on your new website! It looks beautiful, reads well, and conveys everything you need it to. So are you finished? The answer is: It depends. Is your site SSL-Secured? If you're SSL-Secured (you have an SSL certificate) your website and any private information you'...
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Bloomtools Designs Websites With The Latest Design and Development Tools

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 17 May 2022
Bloomtools Designs Websites With The Latest Design and Development Tools
Avoid visitors showing up on your website to see outdated or missing web tools by using a professional web design team. Bloomtools designs web...
Posted in:Website PerformanceWeb Development   Comments

Manage Web Content Like A Pro With A Bloomtools Content Management System

Posted on 23 March 2022
Manage Web Content Like A Pro With A Bloomtools Content Management System
ROI, CRM, SEO, TOK…acronyms seem to help the world go round, but they don’t always make life simpler. One that definitely does, howeve...
Posted in:Content MarketingNewsWebsite PerformanceBusiness DevelopmentWebsite   Comments

Pros and Cons of Using TikTok To Market Your Small Business

Posted by Magali Rousseau on 11 February 2022
Pros and Cons of Using TikTok To Market Your Small Business
Everybody’s talking about it, yet to many it remains shrouded in mystery. TikTok took off during the pandemic and hasn’t stopped growin...
Posted in:Social MediaContent MarketingBrandingMobile Marketing   Comments
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