Google Introduces "Search Console Insights"

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 14 July 2021
Google Introduces "Search Console Insights"
Did you know that Google's worldwide search market share is 86.6%? That's likely the reason they never stop innovating. And with Google Analytics becoming more and more detailed to where you can almost pinpoint the exact reason someone visits your site and is interested in your products...
Posted in:Website PerformanceSearch Engine MarketingSearch Engine Optimization   Comments

Why a Detailed SEO Performance Review Is Important For Your Business

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 24 June 2021
Why a Detailed SEO Performance Review Is Important For Your Business
Your website is the most important marketing tools for your business and whether your website is the lifeblood of your business or it's just one of many ways you generate revenue, chances are you've likely invested a good deal of resources on the site. To that end, it can obviously be f...
Posted in:NewsWebsite PerformanceSearch Engine MarketingSearch Engine Optimization   Comments

The Unexpected Return of QR Codes

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 15 June 2021
The Unexpected Return of QR Codes
First used in 1994 by a Japanese automotive company, QR codes have since been leveraged for a variety of purposes. QR (short for Quick Response) codes became popular in the 90s and early 2000s, as marketers everywhere started slapping them on everything from products to magazines to bus stop ad...
Posted in:Behind the ScenesNews   Comments

The Importance of Receiving Google Reviews

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 28 May 2021
The Importance of Receiving Google Reviews
Getting reviews from your customers and clients has always been a beneficial exercise for business, but today its importance is even greater. There are three main benefits of getting customer reviews: To acquire testimonials you can use in marketing your business To better understand w...
Posted in:NewsCustomer Engagement   Comments

How Long Does SEO Take to Work?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 18 May 2021
How Long Does SEO Take to Work?
As a first time client or first time launching a new website you may ask yourself "how long does SEO take?". There is never a simple answer to give to a question like this. Search engine optimization has drastically changed over time and often people have an understanding of SEO that ...
Posted in:Search Engine Optimization   Comments

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Maximize Productivity: The Advantages of AI Transcription for Modern Businesses

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 17 April 2024
Maximize Productivity: The Advantages of AI Transcription for Modern Businesses
In today's fast-paced work climate, AI recording and transcription services are critical tools for increasing efficiency. These modern technologies ...
Posted in:NewsSearch Engine Optimization   Comments

Why Invest Energy in Onboarding New Clients?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 7 March 2024
Why Invest Energy in Onboarding New Clients?
The significance of a pleasant onboarding experience for client retention and loyalty is emphasized by the following statistics: 76% of consumers w...
Posted in:NewsLead GenerationBusiness DevelopmentOnline Marketing   Comments

Do You Want to Attract More Clients? Explore These Options

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 16 November 2023
Do You Want to Attract More Clients? Explore These Options
These days, small enterprises must have an internet presence. Since so many of your customers begin their shopping journeys online, you are losing ...
Posted in:Social MediaContent MarketingNewsPay Per ClickBusiness Development   Comments
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