Posted in Search Engine Optimization

April 2021

Why You Should Start Optimizing For Voice Search ASAP

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
Why You Should Start Optimizing For Voice Search ASAP
Did you know that the number of households predicted to own a smart speaker by 2022 is 55%? You're probably counting the number of people you know who already have a Google Home or an Alexa right now. As these devices become more popular, so does the regularity of voice searches. But what i...
Posted in:NewsSearch Engine OptimizationWebsiteMobile Marketing  Comments__
February 2021

How to Start a Blog in 2021

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
How to Start a Blog in 2021
Starting a blog for your business can have a myriad of benefits. Blogs can attract new leads by helping build relationships with new visitors who may be looking to learn more about your product or service industry before deciding to purchase. They can build trust with your existing customer-bas...
Posted in:Content MarketingNewsBloggingSearch Engine Optimization  Comments__
January 2021

SEO Practices Do's & Don'ts

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
SEO Practices Do's & Don'ts
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex world which is constantly evolving, with changes that have made some techniques outdated and obsolete. Knowledge of the current techniques are key to a successful SEO plan. With that being said, we've compiled a list of the top do's and do...
Posted in:Search Engine Optimization  Comments__
December 2020

How to find keywords and add them to your website

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
How to find keywords and add them to your website
As a business owner you are told that you need to use keywords on your website to improve the organic search engine ranking. Unfortunately, some business owners either don't know why this is important or don't know how to do it to get the rankings that will bring in customers natur...
Posted in:Search Engine OptimizationBusiness Development  Comments__
September 2020

18 website updates to consider before reopening after COVID-19

Posted by Bloomtools Canada
18 website updates to consider before reopening after COVID-19
Canadian businesses are starting to re-open again and now it's time to update your website with the information necessary to facilitate a successful reopening in the wake of COVID-19. Your customers and clients will be looking to you to guide them, we want to make sure that you have ...
Posted in:Search Engine OptimizationBusiness DevelopmentCustomer Engagement  Comments__

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How Captivating Pictures Can Keep People on Your Website

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 31 March 2023
How Captivating Pictures Can Keep People on Your Website
As a website expert, I know firsthand how important it is to make a website that looks good. High-quality images can make all the difference in get...
Posted in:NewsWeb Development   Comments

Content Inspiration To Drive Customer Engagement

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 27 February 2023
Content Inspiration To Drive Customer Engagement
In December you decked the halls, in January you rang in the new year, now comes February which is associated with Valentine's day and the mont...
Posted in:Content MarketingNews   Comments

What is Content Writing?

Posted by Bloomtools Canada on 23 December 2022
What is Content Writing?
In the digital age, having a website and a couple of marketing campaigns are not enough to disrupt the competing messages that our target customers...
Posted in:Website PerformanceSearch Engine OptimizationWebsiteWeb Development   Comments
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